Entries by Jake

VideoBrains updates!

Sure, it’s been a long time since I’ve written one of these, but I’ve got good news so let’s focus on that shall we? New Resident Speaker: Grant Howitt Alice is leaving us as resident speaker in February, leaving behind a legacy of talks with the word fuck in them, several hidden penises, and an […]

VideoBrains July Epilogue

Roll out the red carpet, because in July, VideoBrains went to the movies. Okay, we didn’t actually go there, and there was no red carpet, but we did have one fantastic event based all around that theme. First up, we had Helen Gould with a perhaps controversial opinion: Warcraft, the recent film, was actually pretty […]

Announce O’Clock: VideoBrains Zines Have Landed

Buy our zines! Be the best! Put our de-sign to the test Pay us £5 for this zine, cherie And we’ll provide the rest. My temptation to write the entirety of this post to the tune of Be Our Guest is strong, because I don’t even know what I’m doing with VideoBrains anymore. Rad bullshit, […]